PKS - Projects in plastics and molded foam parts Technology

Experience the highest level of comfort with our PUR molded foam parts and let us equip you with individual industry solutions. We are your competent partner for innovative projects in the field of plastics and foam technology.

Convince yourself of our high-quality products and take a look at our previous work.


Our Company

Our company PKS, short for Projects in Plastics and Foam Technology, was founded in 1992 and has been successfully operating in the Harz region ever since. For over 20 years, our location has been in Stapelburg in the northern Harz region. We are your reliable partner in the production of molded foam products for various industries. For the past 10 years, we have specialized in medical technology and have been producing molded foam parts for various treatment units. After the takeover of the company on January 1st, 2022, the company is being successfully managed by our former operations manager Markus Leßmann.

High-quality PUR foam systems from the northern Harz region

At PKS, we use only high-quality PUR foam systems to manufacture products of excellent quality. It is a versatile lightweight system from the world of plastics that has gained in popularity in the field of plastics technology over the years. The foam system provides particularly high comfort in various application areas. We are capable of producing molded foam parts with part weights between 40 and 3000 grams.

Your reliable partner for toolmaking

Are you looking for a customized foam tooling series that meets the needs of your molded parts? Then you’ve come to the right place. At PKS, we develop compact solutions for your industry and needs. Through a reliable collaboration with our long-term partners, we are able to offer you even larger series outside of our own production. From measurement to development and manufacturing, we stand by your side and also revise existing tools if needed.

Do you have any questions, suggestions or requests for us?

Please fill out the form below and we will process your request as soon as possible. We look forward to your message.

PKS Projekte in Kunststoff und Schäumtechnik

Teichstraße 9
D-38871 Stapelburg

Tel.: +49 39452 9113

PKS goes digital

Mit dem Projekt „PKS goes digital“, das im Zeitraum vom 01.02.2022 bis zum 31.12.2022 durch Förderungen aus dem Programm Sachsen-Anhalt Digital Innovation umgesetzt wird, sollen unser Webauftritt und unsere Geschäftsprozesse optimiert werden. Langfristig soll so der Digitalisierungsgrad unseres Unternehmens erhöht und eine effiziente digitale Kundenkommunikation gewährleitstet werden, die den steigenden Ansprüchen unserer Kunden gerecht wird. Dieses Vorhaben wird mithilfe von EFRE-Mitteln und Mitteln des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt realisiert.